
Consultant on Alternative Energy

Alternative energy consultants tell us that the transition from an oil-driven economy and society will not be smooth, as a whole. The amount of new technology and infrastructure that needs to be developed and built is astounding - even as Germany reaches 10% of the nation's strength through the use of wind turbines and solar power structures, even when companies after companies emerge, aided by various government tax breaks and discounted incentives, to encourage alternative energy missions. We have long been neglected on alternative energy on a large scale so we now have to struggle to catch up because access to cheap oil lurks getting closer to being something in the past.
Consultant on Alternative Energy
Consultant on Alternative Energy
Alternative energy consultants also tell us that we need multilateral and international efforts to work together with each other to escape the enormous dependency - almost total - on fossil fuels. They are ready to be too expensive, burn them pollute the atmosphere, and dig for them to disrupt the natural environment. We have around 30 years left of oil and gas which is quite cheap - and consultants say that in the next 20 years, we better at least 90% not depend on them. Unfortunately, at this time the world mostly does not act as if this has happened. The thirst for oil has increased, not slowed down, and is now growing faster than in the 1970s.

One of the main problems of the transition, said the consultant, is that higher oil and gas prices stimulate the economy (This is faced with what many energy calls "experts" and many community members believe, but the reality is that oil and gas are found and produced and transported by large companies that employ many workers and contractors, and from their large profits, their stocks remain lucrative on Wall Street.) Alternatives, or "green" energy must be more market-friendly, more profitable for investors and prospective employers. Wall Street doesn't like change; so there is resistance to this much-needed economic transition. Because this is how many consultants say that we need international initiatives that are supported by the government; we are told that we cannot expect a new economy to appear overnight, all clean and polished and refined, from the black ash of the phoenix fossil fuel economy.

It is very important that rich and large-producing countries such as the United States, Japan, Western Europe, and other countries are the ones who pioneered efforts to escape the dependence of fossil fuels. Smaller, poorer countries will never reach the level of energy production through coal and oil owned by these countries - because when they are ready, cheap access to fossil fuels will disappear, and they will never be able to maintaining their newly risen civilization at that time as we were able to do. Time to transition from black to green now.

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